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Virtual Window & Door Repair Center

If you need to make a quick repair to your home’s windows or doors, you can find helpful answers to some of the most common questions here.

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Repair vs. Replacement

It can be difficult to determine whether your windows should be repaired or replaced. While we can’t diagnose an issue or give a recommendation without examining your windows, there are a few signs your windows need to be replaced instead of repaired. The most common of these signs are:

  • Your windows are over 15-20 years old
  • Your window frames are damaged or rotting (wood frames only)
  • You can feel a draft when your windows are closed
  • There is condensation on the inside of your windows
  • Your energy bills are higher with no obvious explanation

If those issues sound familiar, schedule your free consultation to learn how replacement windows can transform your home.

Schedule Your Consultation

How to Fix Simple Window Problems

Some window issues are small and can be fixed with a little elbow grease. Here are some video tutorials that will help you fix some common window problems:

Window and Door Repair Guides

How To Fix Dropping Windows

Figure 1

In most cases a window that drops is due to the shoes coming off of the pivot bar. This is easily fixed following the instructions below:

  1. Use a flat blade screw driver and insert it into the metal part of the shoe that has a “U” shape grove in it. The upright “U” is the locked position for the shoe. In the next step we will be “unlocking” the shoe to allow for adjustment.
  2. Using a fair amount of force, turn the screw driver clock wise until the “U” turns into a “C” shape. This is the unlocked position shown in Figure 1.
    Figure 2

    NOTE: The shoe is spring loaded. Make sure to hold the shoe so that it doesn’t go all of the way up. You may need an additional person to help.

  3. Bring the shoe up 3″-4″ and twist the screw driver back counter clockwise to bring the grove back to the “U” or locked position. You can now remove the flat head screw driver that was holding the shoe as shown in Figure 3.
  4. Figure 3

    Now bring the sash down to the level of the shoe.

  5. With the tilt latch, tilt the window open as shown in Figure 4. Please ensure that the sash is level to the floor.
  6. Press on the window near the shoe to force it into the shoe.
  7. Close the sash.
  8. Pull the sash UPWARD to ensure the shoe has engaged. If the shoe has engaged, you will need to repeat steps D through G. If the shoe is properly connected you will not see it any longer and the window will function properly.
    Figure 4

NOTE: Do not remove the sash unless it is absolutely necessary.

How To Fix Broken Window Locks

Broken window lock

There are many several reasons why you could be having an issue with your window locks. Please review the scenarios listed below to correct your locking problem.

  1. Unable to lock the window. To fix this, unlock the window completely. Push the upper sash upward, as far as it will move and pull the lower sash to the bottom of the window. Once both sashes are in their proper positions you will be able to engage the lock.
  2. The top sash has dropped from its pocket. Push the upper sash all the way to the top while pushing the lower sash down at the same time. NOTE: You may need an extra person to aid you. This should allow you to engage the window lock.
  3. The sashes are not aligned correctly in the channel. Tilt each sash in as if you are cleaning the windows. Push both sashes firmly back into place in the window channel. This should align the sash and allow the window to lock properly in place.
  4. The balance shoe is disengaged. If the balance shoe becomes disengaged from the sash, the window will not lock because it is misaligned. To correct this situation, please refer to the section on “How To Fix Dropping Windows.”
  5. If the instructions listed above do not correct the problem, please contact us for further assistance.

How To Prevent Window Fogging and Condensation

window with condensationHousehold condensation, or “sweating”, on windows is a result of humidity comes in contact with a cold surface such as a mirror or glass window, it turns to water droplets and is called condensation. This is perfectly normal and all homes will occasionally have some condensation on their windows.

Keep in mind that excessive window condensation, frost, peeling paint, even moisture spots on ceilings and walls can be signs of excessive condensation and possibly damaging problems in your home. We tend to notice condensation on window and mirrors first because they are not porous and moisture cannot penetrate these surfaces. This is an indication that you may have a moisture problem that needs to be addressed.

NOTE: Windows do not cause condensation.

You may be wondering why you see more moisture now that you have replaced your old, drafty windows with energy efficient ones. It’s simple really, your old windows were drafty and allowed humidity to escape. Now that your new windows create a much tighter seal, the excess moisture is unable to escape and therefore collecting on your windows. Again, windows do not cause condensation, instead they prevent humidity from escaping and provide an easy surface for condensation to collect.

Where is the humidity coming from?

There are many common things that generate indoor humidity such as your heating/air unit, humidifier, showers, etc. Everything you do in your home that involves water, like mopping the floors, contributes to the problem.

The condensation you see on your windows is more likely to occur where the outside temperature is much lower than the inside temperature. The greater the difference the greater the opportunity for condensation.

Reducing humidity is the key to reducing condensation.

The best way to reduce condensation is to lower the humidity in your home. So, how much humidity is too much? The following table illustrates the recommended comfortable levels of indoor humidity during the winter months.

-20°F 15 to 20%
-10°F 15 to 20%
0°F 20 to 25%
+10°F 20 to 30%
+20°F 30 to 35%

(Indoor humidities can be measured with a humistat or psychrometer.)

Five Easy Steps to Controlling Indoor Humidity

  1. Make sure all sources of ventilation to the outside are working. If bathroom exhaust fans, attic vents and laundry room vents are not working excess moisture is building up.
  2. Air out your home periodically. Opening windows for just a few minutes a day lets excess moisture escape and the fresh dry air enter.
  3. Check your humidifier setting. Make sure you are following the instructions for your humidifier.
  4. You can even open your fireplace dampers to allow excess moisture to escape.
  5. Do your best to not over-water your house plants.

How To Deal With Glass Breakage & Seal Failure

Seal Failure is when condensation makes it’s way between the two panes of glass. This is very rare, in fact most of the time the condensation is either on the inside or outside of the glass.

To get started, let’s confirm your windows have seal failure. Seal failure occurs when condensation gets between the two panes of glass. Luckily, this is very rare. Most of the time, condensation is either on the inside or outside of the glass. Before filling our Warranty Claim Request Form, make sure to use a cloth and clean both sides of the glass.

If you still see the condensation inside after a good cleaning, it’s time to fill out the form. You must have purchased your windows with a warranty that covers breakage & seal failure in order for replacement to be available.

If your window is broken, you will also need to fill out the form. To prevent injury, we recommend that you tape the broken window with a clear duct tape while your claim is being processed.

Glass breakage and seal failure replacement is only available if you purchased your windows with a warranty that covers breakage & seal failure. Once your claim has been filed it will take 2 or more weeks to receive a new sash. While your warranty is being processed we recommend that you tape the broken window with a clear duct tape to prevent injury. We will notify you as soon as the new sash has been received.

Repair & Warranty Claims

Window World windows carry a lifetime warranty. If we installed it, we’ll fix it. When those rare instances of disfunction occur, Window World of Anaheim is there to take care of your needs.

If you’re having an issue with your windows that our tips didn’t fix, you can submit a warranty claim form to get expert repair from our crew.

How to Make a Warranty Claim

1. Note the following stipulations of Window World’s warranty:

  • Acts of God (hurricanes, tornadoes, flood, etc.) Acts of war, fire, stress resulting from localized heat, modifications, and vandalism.
  • Color variances may occur between replacement parts and weathered original material.
  • Labor warranty does not transfer to Owner’s immediate transferee.
  • This warranty is exclusively for windows installed by the Company. Any additional products, such as doors, installed by the Company, in conjunction with the window contract/installation will carry the warranty provided by the manufacturer.

2. If your products do not fall into the exclusions listed above, you’re still eligible to make a warranty claim. To get started, locate the serial number on the Window World product(s) you need service on. Not sure where to find your serial number? Use the videos below to help you.

3. Make your claim. If you need immediate assistance, call us with your serial number and information about your products. For less pressing issues, you can call us or fill out our online warranty claim form.


How to Locate the Serial Numbers on Your Windows

Common Window Repair Questions

How Much Will It Cost to Repair My Windows?

The cost of window repairs varies depending on the extent of the damage and the type of window. For extensive age and wear, we recommend a full window replacement. Contact our team for a free estimate.

Can You Fix a Window Without Replacing It?

Yes, minor window issues can be fixed without needing a full replacement. However, older windows or those with extensive wear and damage require a full replacement. Our repair guides can help you determine if your window can be repaired or if it needs to be replaced.

Can I Fix a Broken Window Myself?

Simple repairs, such as fixing a loose sash or replacing weatherstripping, can often be done yourself with the right tools and instructions. For more complex issues, we recommend contacting a professional.

Is It Better to Repair or Replace Old Windows?

If your windows are over 15-20 years old, have significant damage, or are not energy efficient, it may be more cost-effective to replace them. New windows can improve your home’s energy efficiency and increase its value.

Is It Cheaper to Replace All Windows at Once?

Replacing all windows at once can be more cost-effective in the long run due to bulk pricing and reduced labor costs. It also ensures uniformity in appearance and performance.

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