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Replacement Windows

Window Dressing

1 min read

The basic black dress is a staple in women’s wardrobes. Worn alone, it‘s fine. But add a nice pair of earrings or a colorful scarf, and you instantly have an attractive outfit.

The same can be said for white replacement windows. They are fine as is, but a few key “accessories” can make all the difference in the wow factor of your home.

Take color. Choosing a rich color for the exterior of your window transforms the entire home. A warm wood tone on the interior compliments interior moldings and adds warmth and character to a room.

custom replacement windowsWhat about grids? Grid designs say more about the style of your home than many other features. A colonial grid (dividing window panes equally) give the home exterior a classic appeal. Prairie grids (dividing window panes unequally into nine) create the sense of a larger living space. Diamond patterns are usually used on an accent window to add dimension. Looking for a more contemporary feel…go grid less, of course.

Some window dressing addresses both aesthetics and function. Obscure glass is the obvious choice for a bathroom window. Looks beautiful while keeping the peepers out.

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