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Shake Off The Cold With A Spring Home Improvement from Window World

2 min read

Another winter has creeped by and the warm weather is finally within our grasp. Now that we’ve emerged from the tundra and into the sunlight once again, you may get the feeling that your home needs a pick-me-up just as much as you do.

Top Spring Home Improvement Ideas For 2015!

That’s why Window World of Anaheim is here to the rescue with our top spring home improvement ideas for 2015!  Here are our suggestions for giving winter the cold shoulder and revamping your Anaheim home for a fresh and melodic spring.

Clear any debris. Spring provides the ideal weather to get out in the yard to not only boost your home’s curb appeal, but also make it bearable to look at from the inside. The most common debris to look for include:

Make your home more than tolerable this year, and lay the groundwork for a masterful springtime sanctuary. And, remember that Window World of Anaheim offers gutters that are guaranteed to never clog. Contact us today to learn more!

Attract the sun. We want to share with you some ways to accentuate and emphasize the springtime sunlight inside your home – here’s how:

Of course, not all rooms have the luxury of space, so sometimes it will be difficult to rearrange furniture elsewhere.  But wherever possible, try to make your windows the focal point of the room. Then the light will have natural, unimpeded access to any room in your house, creating a warmer, sweeter tone – perfect for springtime.

home with replacement garage doorsUpdate your garage. Has your garage felt colder than ever this winter?  If so, your garage door’s insulation could be damaged, or, if it is non-insulated, then the cold weather could be seeping into your garage with ease.  Likewise, as the spring and summer months approach, an improperly-insulated, or uninsulated garage door can release the cool air flowing into your garage, wasting your air conditioning and precious dollars.  So save your cool air and energy costs with Window World of Anaheim’s extensive selection of stylish, affordable, energy-efficient replacement garage doors, including:

Save air and money this spring with an improvement that will make your home stand out and keep your money in. Contact Window World of Anaheim today to start your garage rejuvenation!

Give Your Windows A Check-Up. Not only will winter clutter your lawn, but it can also have costly effects on your windows and doors.  Cold weather can cause wear and tear on the joints and crevices of the threshold areas on your home, so it’s important to examine them this year and contact Window World of Anaheim if you suspect any substantial damage or just want a professional opinion.

We offer a variety of replacement window options, such as:

If you need to repair or replace your windows, contact us today!

Contact Window World of Anaheim for Your Home Improvement Needs

Start making this spring the most enjoyable season yet, and contact Window World of Anaheim with any questions or to schedule a free estimate! If you’re ready to install new windows or replace your old ones, we’re here to help! Good luck with your home improvements and happy spring cleaning!

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