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Industry Trends Replacement Windows

Read This Before You Call a Replacement Window Company

2 min read

Let’s face it. Researching, getting quotes, and installing replacement windows can a daunting experience—right up there with having teeth pulled. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Here are seven steps to follow to help make the process of getting new replacement windows a bearable—maybe even a fun—experience.

  1. Get referrals. Some of the best information you will find will be from family and friends who have replaced their windows. They either like their windows or they don’t. Same goes for the company they chose. Most of the time, word of mouth referrals are one of the best ways to find out about a company and with work they do.
  2. Check out the BBB rating of the company. The Better Business Bureau is a collection house where reports and complaints are stored. The BBB rating will give you an indication of the track record of the company you are considering. You can be sure that problems arise – the key factor is to know how the companies deal with problems.
  3. Ask to see credentials. Is the company insured? Is the certificate the representative is showing you up to date? Are they even showing you credentials? Enough said.
  4. Know what you are paying for. If a representative gives you an estimate on the back of a business card or piece of literature, be leery. It’s best to know what to expect before the installers show up, and you deserve to receive a printed, detailed description of what you will be getting.
  5. See an entire window. Many companies bring a cut-a-way of a sample window. Unfortunately, you are unable to see the screen frame, the locks or the limit devices – among a host of other features. Your best bet is to see an entire window so that you can inspect the quality. Along with that, your representative should point out what to look for in a quality window.
  6. Don’t give in to “this price is only good for today” tactics. Some companies have a cushion built into their original quote that can be discounted until you cave in. Ask for the lowest price, right up front.
  7. Know the warranty. Look for a company that covers both parts and labor. Equally important is to deal with a company that is tied to reliable window manufacturer. Some companies use multiple manufacturers based on price, and once they no longer deal with that manufacturer, you can be left out in the cold…literally.

We hope you find these steps helpful, as you move forward in your home improvement projects. Include Window World on your list of window companies to check out, and you won’t have to ask the questions above. We have thousands of referrals, our reputation and warranty is strong, and our menu pricing allows you to choose exactly what you want in a replacement window. Best of all, the price won’t change tomorrow. Call us at (888) 686-4046 for a no obligation in-home quote.

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