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Industry Trends Replacement Windows

It’s In The Glass

1 min read

constructing a windowFoam filled frame or insulated glass? That’s a common question today, as foam filled frames flood the replacement window market.

While foam in the frame looks cool, and may set one window apart from another, they alone won’t make a significant difference in the overall performance of a window.

If you’re looking to improve the performance of your windows (and you should be), look to improve the area that covers at least 80% of your opening – the glass.

As you consider a window, start out by examining the insulating of standard glass. Double pane is a must. How thick is each pane? How sturdy?

Then consider an option that will optimize the thermal performance of the glass.

The diagram below highlights elements of a window that EnergyStar® considers an efficient window. Energy Star® is the US government voluntary labeling program seeking to promote energy efficiency.

A quality frame is important, yet most of the energy qualities are found in the glass. Your Window World representative can provide a complete demonstration of the energy benefits of the SolarZone Insulated Glass Package, exclusively from Window World.

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