Colder weather means more time indoors keeping warm and cozy. During the colder months, you likely seal off your home to conserve heat, increasing the risk of indoor air pollution. Cooking with oils, burning candles, lighting wood fireplaces and trapping air inside contribute to health hazards in the air. Learn how to keep your home’s air clean for better health and overall well-being when it’s too cold for fresh airflow and open windows in your home.
You might be surprised by common sources of indoor air pollution since some everyday objects used to keep warm cause reduced air quality. Space heaters, wood-burning fireplaces, cooking and lack of ventilation are all sources of indoor air pollution.
The most cost-efficient way to clean your home’s air is by cracking a window. It may get chilly, but opening your windows for just a few minutes a couple of times a week circulates the air in your home and removes some pollutants. Using an indoor air purifier is another effective way to remove particles from the air. To identify your contamination source, consider purchasing an indoor air quality monitor. These can be pricey, but professional-grade monitors can be purchased for around $100. They measure particulate matter, chemical pollutants and humidity, and some models track temperature, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and even formaldehyde levels.
Energy-efficient windows and doors from Window World enhance indoor air quality by reducing drafts and improving ventilation. All of our windows come standard with screens, so you can open your windows without letting in uninvited pests. As the weather warms up or unexpected cold snaps drive insects to look for warmth, you’ll be grateful for screens!
Premium windows and doors do more than easily open and close to provide fresh air. Upgrading to high-quality windows and doors with excellent sealing can significantly impact indoor air quality. Opening windows for proper ventilation allows fresh air inside and flushes out some pollutants. Damaged or poorly installed exterior door seals can compromise indoor air quality and lead to the accumulation of various contaminants.
If you are concerned about your home’s indoor air quality, reach out to a professional for an in-house air quality assessment. They will be able to measure pollutants in the air and advise different solutions for your needs. If your old windows and doors are drafty or have failing seals, consider replacements that improve air circulation and quality.
Taking the steps to improve indoor air quality keeps you and your family healthier and breathing easier. If you don’t notice a change after implementing DIY solutions, replacing your windows and doors may be a sensible next step. At Window World of Anaheim, we can help you achieve a healthier, more comfortable home environment. Contact us today and schedule a free estimate and discover how new, energy-efficient windows and doors can improve your indoor air quality.