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Industry Trends Replacement Windows

Cost vs. Value is Up on Windows

1 min read

If you’re still on the fence about investing on new replacement windows for your home, here’s another reason why you can’t go wrong with your decision.

Remodeler’s Magazine 2013 Cost vs. Value Report indicates that you’ll recoup 71.2% of the cost of new vinyl replacement windows at the time of resale – up 6.1% over last year’s report. This value is computed for the East North Central region of the United States.

That’s good news for homeowners looking to add value, style and energy efficiency to their home – but there’s even more value to this report. The report lists the assessment based on replacing 10 existing 3-by-5-foot double-hung windows with insulated vinyl replacement windows, including wrapping existing exterior trim as required to match. The report places a value on this project to be $9770.

Here’s the better news – Window World’s price on ten replacement windows, insulated glass, and outside trim included, is $3730 – about a third of the price of the national average according to Remodeler’s Magazine.

“We always knew that our windows are a great value to our customers, but this report goes a step further,” says Pat Moran, owner of five Window World locations. “First, homeowners money save on energy bills, next they save even more by choosing Window World, and finally, they’ll get the majority of those dollars back at the time of resale.”

According to the Cost vs. Value Report, new vinyl replacement windows have a higher return on investment than other remodeling projects, including adding a sunroom, adding a master bedroom or remodeling a bathroom.

The bottom line – new replacement windows from Window World is hands down, a smart investment.

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