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Replacement Windows

Why You Should Consider A Casement Window

2 min read

Casement windows are a fan favorite among millions of homeowners across the United States. Not only are they beautiful, with plenty of glass space to showcase your California surroundings, but casement windows also provide many unique features over other style choices of windows.

What Are Casement Windows?

Casement windows are a type of window that opens from a side hinge. They crank open outward instead of sliding open vertically or horizontally, making them an ideal choice for hard-to-reach areas like over kitchen counters.

They’re a great choice if you want to bring the outdoors just a little bit closer. Unlike any other window style, casement windows open fully, allowing for maximum ventilation and unobstructed views outside. They’re also a great investment for home security. Since locks on casement windows are imbedded into the frame of the window, casement windows are very difficult to break into.

Casement windows show off panoramic views from living room.

Casement Windows and Energy Efficiency

Casement windows are the second most energy-efficient window style, after fixed pane windows. The window sash presses against the frame on closing, creating an air-tight seal. This makes it so your HVAC system won’t need to work as hard, since there won’t be any leaks in sealant or other issues, bringing you monthly savings on energy bills.

Window World Casement Window Benefits

Casement windows from Window World of Anaheim offer homeowners many functional and unique features, including:

Considering Replacing Your Anaheim Windows?

Window World of Anaheim proudly offers services to Anaheim and the surrounding areas. Think casement windows may be the perfect addition to your home? Our friendly team of experts can help you transform your home with beautiful, affordable replacement windows and doors. Contact us today to learn more about our products and how we can help you replace your windows with our easy installation process!

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